About Us

Make collections simpler and easier with Xeniaa.


Know More About Us

Xeniaa has diverse businesses (a) organic farming to hospitality services, (b) dealing in building materials (c) smart contact centers offering the banking and finance services industry with end to end smart customer contact center in their core areas such as collections, verifications, feedback collections. with our highly qualified personnel, we handle and monitor the businesses based on client needs, and we maximize their receivables and collections and help them avoid pitfalls. We have been actively involved in enabling smart collections and verifications for the past five years for many top banks and NBFCs. By promoting observable improvements in customer centricity, compliance, and profitability while maintaining brand value, we strategically alter our customers collections processes.

Our Values & Ethos

  • Our passion for success and innovation; we are a high-spirited, quick-thinking organization motivated to outshine the competition.
  • We decide to be open and transparent in all of our transactions.
  • Our top objective and philosophy will always be the financial success of our customer businesses.
  • We want to alter the way crucial business choices are made around the globe.
  • Our motto of innovating to excel and excelling to innovate is something we breathe and live by.

Industries we serve

Smart Contact Centers

Banks/Nbfc's & Digital Field Verification


Organic Farming

Building Materials

Contact Us

Contact Info

Our Location

20/5, Subbarayan street


Our Contact

Email : sales@xeniaa.in

Call Us : +91 98845 85799

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